Natural Treatment for Lower Hypertension

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Natural Treatment for Lower Hypertension

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension occurs when a person's blood pressure is higher than normal, reaching 140/90 mmHg or higher, high blood pressure is one cause of death in the world every year, high blood pressure caused by eating too much salt, alcohol, smoking, rarely physical exercise, overweight and rarely eat fruit and vegetables. You should know the symptoms of high blood pressure, to be able to help people who have the disease, signs of a person is exposed to hypertension is, headache, drowsiness, labored breathing, sight becomes blurred sudden and prolonged dizziness. Here are some natural herbs which can help to lower hypertension.


cinnamon for Lower High blood pressure

Cinnamon is a spice that tastes good and beneficial for a healthy body, one of the benefits of cinnamon is to help lower high blood pressure, before it is used for lowering high blood pressure, is usually processed into powdered cinnamon or extracted into a liquid cinnamon , cinnamon contains volatile oils cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamyl acecate, calcium, vitamin C and fiber, which is very useful for the body, especially to reduce hypertension. Combine cinnamon at breakfast, the maximum recommended dose is 2.4 grams per day, you must remember is that you should consult your doctor before consuming cinnamon, especially if you are taking medicine lowering hypertension.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber Juice for Lower Hypertension
Cucumber Juice

The easiest way to lower high blood pressure by drinking cucumber juice every day, cucumber contains potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin C, A, K, folic acid, caffeic acid and silica, potassium is a mineral most important to lower high blood pressure, moreover cucumber also help you lose weight. You must remember is that you should stop drinking cucumber juice if your blood pressure is normal, so you should check your blood pressure 2 weeks, because you may be exposed to low blood pressure when drinking cucumber juice when your blood pressure is normal.

Why Does Sweat Smell

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Why Does Sweat Smell

Sweat is one of the results of the process of metabolism, sweat also appear to balance your body temperature, therefore, you will spend a lot of sweat during hot weather, it happens that your body temperature remains stable. Everyone perspire in different amounts, usually obese people secrete more sweat. Have sweat or body odor smell definitely interfere with your activities, moreover, the people around you will definitely be disturbed. Sweat smell occurs because of bacteria that appear on the skin reacts with sweat so that it becomes sweat smell. Here are some of the causes why does sweat smell.



Stress is one cause sweat smell, stress can lead to aprokin glands multiply the production of sweat. Aprokin glands serve to expend the sweat and bacteria, mixed of sweat and bacteria that cause the sweat smell, aprokin glands located in various joints such as the armpit, it makes the armpit sweat can have a smell.

The influence of other diseases

The influence of other diseases

Sweat Smell can also be caused because the influence of other diseases in your body, one of the diseases that can cause body odor is diabetic, because diabetics have unstable blood sugar, which can cause body odor. Other diseases that can cause body odor is a liver disease.


Onion Make Sweat Smell

If you do not want to have sweat smell, then you should avoid foods that smelling like garlic and red meat. The food you eat affect your body odor, because foods you eat to be processed and one rest of metabolic processes is sweat.

Those are some of the causes why you may have sweat smell, begin a healthy life and maintain the condition of your body from now.

How to Get Rid of Fat Thighs

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Every woman would want a slim and ideal body, one attempt to get the ideal body is diet and a healthy lifestyle, some parts of the body which are often a concern when a diet is the thigh, you could look fat if you have big thighs, therefore, many women do various activities to shrink thighs, thighs caused by fat accumulates, it can happen because the bad lifestyle, such as eating too much calories without offset by physical exercise, physical exercise is one way to reduce fat thighs, with physical proper exercise, you can reduce fat thighs fast. Here are tips to reduce fat thighs.


Swimming to get rid of fat thighs

Swimming is one of the physical exercise that you can try to reduce fat thighs, because while swimming, almost all muscles of the body moves, for those of you who are on a diet, swimming is very good for you, because apart from reducing the fat thighs, swimming also reduce the lower belly fat , you will get the ideal body when swimming regularly.

Calf Raises

Calf Raise to get rid of fat thighs
Calf Raise

Physical exercise can reduce fat thighs and very easy to work with is calf raises, because you can do this physical exercise at home, you must set up a barbell and board foothold, you simply use the small barbell, first, hold both barbell and stand with feet together , lift the body using the heel, then hold a few minutes and down, doing as much as eight times during morning and afternoon.


cycling to get rid of fat thighs

Cycling is a fun activity and a positive impact on your body, one of the benefits of cycling is to eliminate fat thighs, while cycling your muscles leg will work optimally, so that it can reduce fat thighs. From now on you can go to work by bicycle, besides reducing thigh fat you also help prevent global warming.

Essential Oils to Treat Sunburn Fast

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One part of the body that you need to keep them healthy is the skin, the skin is a very sensitive part of the body, moreover, healthy skin greatly affect your appearance, you will look younger, beautiful and fresh. One of the problems of the skin is sunburn, sunburn makes your skin look bad, you will also feel sore when skin is exposed to water and sunburn can cause more serious skin diseases, namely skin cancer. While you need the sun to get vitamin D, but excessive exposure to the sun can cause sunburn. One of the best ways to treat sunburn is to use essential oils, below are some types of essential oils that you can use to treat sunburn.

Rosehip Seed Oil

rosehip seed oil
Rosehip seed oil

Roses have a beautiful shape and fragrance, has benefits that are very useful for the health of skin, seeds of roses can be processed into rosehip seed oil, contains anti-inflammatory in the rosehip seed oil can be used to treat sunburn, besides the rosehip seed oil can be used to prevent aging and treat dry skin.

Sea-Buckthorn Oil

Sea-Buckthorn Oil to treat sunburn
Sea-Buckthorn Oil

Sea-Buckthorn Oil is an essential oil which you can use to maintain the beauty of the skin, you can use it to treat sunburn, acne and hyperpigmentation, because it contains anti-oxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil to treat sunburn
Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate seed oil is very good for the epidermal layer of the skin, because it contains anti-oxidants that are useful to prevent free radicals, anti-oxidants also serves to prevent aging. Pomegranate seed oil is one of the best natural medicine to treat sunburn, skin irritation and dry skin.

How to treat sunburn using essential oils is very easy, you just have to apply one of the essential oils on your skin.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Belly

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Cellulite is a problem that often appear on the skin, especially on the belly, most people think that cellulite only appears in people who are obese, but cellulite can appear on everyone not identical with obese people, because cellulite is a problem caused by the disruption of the process metabolism of the body. Moreover, cellulite or stretch marks can be caused by hiperestrogenisme, a condition of excess hormone in women, usually occurs when entering a period towards maturity. How to get rid of cellulite, fat loss associated with the process, if you successfully do fat loss program, you will more easily get rid of cellulite. To prevent the occurrence of cellulite, you should begin a healthy lifestyle, by doing physical exercise, eating vegetables, fruits and do not wear clothes that are too tight. As for treating cellulite, you can use natural materials below.


Carrot to get rid of cellulite

Carrots is a vegetable that is very better to keep eye health, because it contains vitamin A in high amounts, moreover, carrots are also beneficial for healthy skin, namely to cure cellulite on the belly, first, you have to prepare honey and carrots, then wash the carrots until clean, and grate the carrots and mixed with pure honey, then apply on your skin, wait for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, do these tips 3 times a week.

Olive oil

Olive Oil to get rid of cellulite
Olive Oil

Olive oil contains vitamin C and vitamin E, which can be used to get rid of cellulite on the belly, how to use it with cellulite massage using olive oil, do every day. Besides to treating cellulite, you can use olive oil to get rid of pimples.
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