How to Get Rid Pimples


Pimples is a problem faced by a lot of people, pimples can be caused by many things, including hormone imbalance, stress and clogging of skin pores, there are many ways to get rid of pimples, you can use certain cosmetics, go to beauty salons or use naturally material, this article will discuss some ways get rid of pimples naturally.

Egg whites

Egg whites
Egg whites

The easiest way to get rid of pimples is to use egg white mask. Egg whites contain proteins and vitamins that can be used to get rid of pimples, in addition to the egg white can also be used to get rid of acne scars, because it can accelerate the growth of skin cells. The first step you should do is to separate the egg white and then whipped until frothy, then wash your face until it is clean and dry it, then apply egg white mask on a portion covered with pimples and wait for it to dry, when dry apply again for 3 times, then wait for 20 minutes, the last step rinse with warm water and dry it.
Egg white can absorb excess oil on the face, so I suggest to use a moisturizer after using this mask, to prevent a face that is too dry.

Strawberry and Honey

Strawberry and honey

Strawberry is a fruit that contains salicylic acid, which is a compound that serves to open the pores of the skin and neutralize infection that can cure acne, while honey is very good for the skin because it serves as an anti-inflammatory, to make a mask of strawberry and honey you have to prepare 3 strawberries and 2 tablespoons of honey, strawberry and honey mixed using a blender, then apply the mask on face and wait 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


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