Tips Get Rid of Dark Armpits

get rid of dark armpits

Most women often ask, why are my armpits dark, dark armpits can be caused by many things including, dead skin cells that accumulate, the problem genes such as the offspring of parents, deodorant that does not fit in with the skin, use a deodorant that does not fit with the skin can cause irritation so armpits could be black. Dark armpits may not affect your appearance if you wear long sleeves, but when you do an activity using a short-sleeved shirt, dark armpits can make you not confident, maybe you will not open armpits because of shame, therefore, you can try tips to get rid of dark armpits below, these tips using natural materials, so it is safer to use.


jicama to get rid of armpits

Jicama is a fruit that is often used as a face mask, because it has many benefits, one of them to whiten the skin, but used for facial mask, jicama can also be used to get rid of dark armpits, first, prepare pieces of jicama that has been washed, then grated the jicama, then apply on your armpits, wait for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, do these tips three times a week.

Cucumber and turmeric powder

Cucumber to get rid of armpits

Cucumber and turmeric powder is the material that you can use to get rid of dark armpits, both these materials have the same benefits, namely for skin whitening or removes dark armpits, how to grate the cucumber, then mixed with turmeric powder, then apply on your armpit and wait for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, do these tips three times a week.


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