Homemade Natural Face Moisturizer

Homade Face Moisturizer

Dry Skin Face may cause a variety of problems, such as irritation, black spots and early aging. All women certainly do not want to look older than actually due to dry skin and early aging, many women would choose cosmetic products that can moisturize the skin quickly, but the way it can not be used repeatedly, because the chemicals in some cosmetics can harm health of your skin, the best way to moisturize the skin is to use a natural material. Here are tips to make natural face moisturizer at Home.


avocado for Face Moisturizer

Avocados are often processed into ice because tastes good, other than that the avocado is very beneficial for the skin because it contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E and vegetable oils which serves to inhibit the early aging and moisturize the face, therefore, many cosmetic products that use avocado as The main ingredient manufacturing of moisturizer. In this article will discuss how to easily create a avocado mask as a natural moisturizer, you should prepare an avocado and pure honey, then enter six tablespoons of avocado in a blender, then add two tablespoons of pure honey, then mix until well blended. Clean your face using clean water then dry, then apply a mask and wait for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


oatmeal for face moisturizer

Oatmeal is used to stimulate the growth of new skin cells that make the skin more healthy. Oatmeal can also be used to moisturize the face when added honey, almond oil, and skim milk. Here is how to make a moisturizer to use oatmeal, prepared two tablespoons of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey, three tablespoons of warm skim milk and one tablespoon of almond oil, then input all the ingredients into a blender and mix until blended. Apply the mask on your face and let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse using clean water.


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