How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Belly


Cellulite is a problem that often appear on the skin, especially on the belly, most people think that cellulite only appears in people who are obese, but cellulite can appear on everyone not identical with obese people, because cellulite is a problem caused by the disruption of the process metabolism of the body. Moreover, cellulite or stretch marks can be caused by hiperestrogenisme, a condition of excess hormone in women, usually occurs when entering a period towards maturity. How to get rid of cellulite, fat loss associated with the process, if you successfully do fat loss program, you will more easily get rid of cellulite. To prevent the occurrence of cellulite, you should begin a healthy lifestyle, by doing physical exercise, eating vegetables, fruits and do not wear clothes that are too tight. As for treating cellulite, you can use natural materials below.


Carrot to get rid of cellulite

Carrots is a vegetable that is very better to keep eye health, because it contains vitamin A in high amounts, moreover, carrots are also beneficial for healthy skin, namely to cure cellulite on the belly, first, you have to prepare honey and carrots, then wash the carrots until clean, and grate the carrots and mixed with pure honey, then apply on your skin, wait for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, do these tips 3 times a week.

Olive oil

Olive Oil to get rid of cellulite
Olive Oil

Olive oil contains vitamin C and vitamin E, which can be used to get rid of cellulite on the belly, how to use it with cellulite massage using olive oil, do every day. Besides to treating cellulite, you can use olive oil to get rid of pimples.


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