Easy Ways to Get Thick Hair

Easy Ways to Get Thick Hair

Have thick hair, healthy and beautiful is the dream of all people, thick hair makes you free to choose the hairstyle that you like, moreover, you will also look healthier and fresher. There are many ways to get thick hair, most people will be using certain cosmetics to get the hair dream, but if you are wrong in choosing cosmetics, then it can damage your hair, you can also be exposed to dander, if the cosmetics you use does not comply with your skin head, therefore, the use of natural materials to thicken the hair is preferred. Here are some natural ingredients that you can use to thicken hair.

Green tea

green tea to thick hair
Green tea

Green tea is very beneficial to the health of the hair, because it can counteract free radicals when exposed to sunlight and air pollution, green tea can also be used to thicken the hair, because green tea contains catechins compounds that function to prevent hair loss. So that green tea may be useful to thicken the hair, first boiled the green to a boil, then let stand one night, after that use green tea to massage your hair, wash your hair using the tea, wait for 5 minutes, last step the, rinse using clean water , do these tips 3 times a week.


Honey to thick hair

Honey is often used by some manufacturers of shampoo as an mixture in making thickeners hair shampoo, so you can use pure honey to thicken the hair, to use it, first, wash your hair thoroughly, then apply honey on your hair, wait until 10 minutes after the rinse using clean water, do these tips 3 times a week


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