How to get rid of dandruff naturally

Get rid of dandruff naturally

Dandruff is already a problem that can not be underestimated again because it is very disturbing appearance, especially itching on the scalp that arise because dandruff can cause discomfort. Dandruff can be caused due to scalp dirty or arrangement welcome wrong, other than that if you use a shampoo that does not match your scalp that can cause dandruff, you should also be careful during shampooing, because if you scratch the scalp too hard it could cause dandruff, too frequent shampooing can also cause dandruff, I recommend doing shampooing up to four times a week.
There are some natural ingredients that can treat dandruff, here is how to process natural materials to be used as drugs to overcome dandruff.


Lime is a fruit that is very useful, in addition to vitamin C, according to the study lime can also cope with dandruff, which easy way by split the lemon and rub the surface of the scalp, then wait a few minutes and rinse thoroughly. Other way is to mix lemon juice into a shampoo or conditioner you use.

Aloe vera

It has long, aloe vera is known as one of the plants that are beneficial for healthy hair, in addition to hair health, aloe vera can also be used to treat dandruff, way is to cut the aloe vera plant and then squeeze the gel in it, then apply on the scalp with a massage slowly, then let stand for 45 minutes to an hour, then rinse in cold water, do not use shampoo to rinse the aloe vera gel. Perform 2 times a week on a regular basis to get rid of dandruff.

Almond oil

In contrast to the previous way, if you use almond oil to eliminate dandruff, then you should do wash the hair first, then dry hair then prepare a mixture of almond oil and olive oil as much as a tablespoon, then apply on your scalp, then cover with a towel dry and wait up to 30 minutes, after 30 minutes rinse hair with warm water.


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