Essential Oils to Treat Sunburn Fast


One part of the body that you need to keep them healthy is the skin, the skin is a very sensitive part of the body, moreover, healthy skin greatly affect your appearance, you will look younger, beautiful and fresh. One of the problems of the skin is sunburn, sunburn makes your skin look bad, you will also feel sore when skin is exposed to water and sunburn can cause more serious skin diseases, namely skin cancer. While you need the sun to get vitamin D, but excessive exposure to the sun can cause sunburn. One of the best ways to treat sunburn is to use essential oils, below are some types of essential oils that you can use to treat sunburn.

Rosehip Seed Oil

rosehip seed oil
Rosehip seed oil

Roses have a beautiful shape and fragrance, has benefits that are very useful for the health of skin, seeds of roses can be processed into rosehip seed oil, contains anti-inflammatory in the rosehip seed oil can be used to treat sunburn, besides the rosehip seed oil can be used to prevent aging and treat dry skin.

Sea-Buckthorn Oil

Sea-Buckthorn Oil to treat sunburn
Sea-Buckthorn Oil

Sea-Buckthorn Oil is an essential oil which you can use to maintain the beauty of the skin, you can use it to treat sunburn, acne and hyperpigmentation, because it contains anti-oxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil to treat sunburn
Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate seed oil is very good for the epidermal layer of the skin, because it contains anti-oxidants that are useful to prevent free radicals, anti-oxidants also serves to prevent aging. Pomegranate seed oil is one of the best natural medicine to treat sunburn, skin irritation and dry skin.

How to treat sunburn using essential oils is very easy, you just have to apply one of the essential oils on your skin.


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