How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

How to lose Lower Belly Fat

Having a slim and ideal belly is a dream of many people, but many people have problems with the lower belly fat, have lower belly fat that accumulates, obviously reduce the beauty of your body, especially when you wear tight clothes then your belly will stand out, besides reducing confident, distended belly can also cause some serious problems, like hypertension, heart disease and kidney disorders. The best way to lose lower belly fat is to combine physical exercise with a proper diet, here are some tips to lose lower belly fat that you can try at home.

Mineral Water

Consuming mineral water in sufficient quantity is one way to lose lower belly fat, mineral water will help the metabolism of your body, if your body metabolism running smoothly, then you will not fat accumulation in the belly. You should consume 8 glasses of water a day to maintain health and eliminate lower belly fat.
Physical Exercise
One quick way to lose fat is by physical exercise, there are some physical exercise that you can try, among other things, sauntering, jogging, cycling and swimming, perhaps the easiest is sauntering and cycling, both of these activities you can do while on the go to the office and do not interfere with your work.


Although seem trivial, but adequate sleep is very influential for your body, especially the lower belly, if you sleep only about four hours a day, then your metabolism could be disrupted, it can cause a buildup of lower belly fat, the ideal bedtime is 8 hours a day, you will wake up fresh and vigorous when sleeping with the ideal time.

Intake of calories

Things you should consider when trying to lose lower belly fat is the intake of calorie, you must take into account the number of calories you need, because if too many calories taken into the body, then the remaining unused calories will turn into fat.


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