How to Reduce Bloating Stomach

How to Reduce Bloating Stomach

Bloating Stomach can cause discomfort, stomachache and dizziness, stomach bloating can be caused by several things like, do not breakfast, irregular diet, activity which create stress, excessive consuming carbonated beverages. In addition bloating also be caused by disorders of the stomach and spleen function. Many people assume that bloating same with colds, but both are a different matter. Here are tips for treating bloating stomach.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil will give a sense of comfort for the wearer, as it gives a sense of warmth and soothing aromas. in addition, apply eucalyptus oil on the stomach can reduce bloating stomach. Therefore, I suggest you bring eucalyptus oil while traveling.


Ginger is a spice that has many benefits, one of which is a natural remedy to cure bloating stomach, you can make drinks using ginger, is easy enough, first prepare three small pieces of ginger, then wash thoroughly, then crushed, then brewed using hot water and add a tablespoon of sugar, drink it when is st   ill warm, after drinking ginger, your stomach will feel warm and comfortable, then bloating stomach will recover. If you do not like ginger, then you can mix the ginger and milk in order to produce a more palatable taste lang.


Consuming lemon juice is a natural remedy to reduce bloating stomach, but you should be drinking warm lemon juice, vitamin C in the lemon will make your body fresh and restores stamina.


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