Easy Ways to Get Rid of Pimple on Nose

Get rid of pimple on nose

Pimple is a skin problems caused by many things, including, hormones are not balanced, the skin is dirty and oily skin, acne usually appears on the face, neck and back, moreover, acne is also often appear on the nose, it is certainly very disturbing appearance and you become lacked confidence, often pimples on the nose also cause pain and discomfort, it makes a lot of people wanted to get rid of pimples on the nose quickly, one of the best ways to treat pimple on nose is with natural materials, because it does not contain materials that are harmful to the skin, here are some natural materials that you can use to get rid of Pimple on nose.

Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil to get rid of pimples
Tea Tree Oil

Before you use tea tree oil, you should test the sensitivity of your skin first, how to put some tea tree oil on your forearm, if your skin turns into red, then you have to mix tea tree oil with a few drops of water before using to remove Pimple on nose, use twice daily.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera to get rid of pimple
Aloe vera

Perhaps you often use aloe vera to keeping hair healthy, moreover, aloe vera is a plant that is very effective to get rid of Pimple on nose, compound anthraquinone on aloe vera is useful to remove bacteria, so it can be used to get rid of Pimple on nose, aloe vera also can stimulate the growth of skin cells, so that it can cure acne without leaving a trace, to use aloe vera as an acne medication, you should prepare one piece of fresh aloe vera, then split and take aloe vera gel with a spoon, apply on your nose and wait for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, do these tips once a day.


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