Perfect Cat Eye Makeup Tutorial

Perfect Cat Eye Makeup
Perfect Cat Eye Makeup

The Appearance is very considered a woman when attending a party or other important events, therefore, make up is very important to make maximum appearance, one of which is the eye makeup, one eye makeup that I will discuss is the cat eye makeup, to be able to produce a cat eye makeup perfect maybe you should hire an expert makeup to do it for you, but if you are a patient person maybe you can make it yourself, there are some things that should be prepared before doing eye makeup, one is to choose the eyeliner first whether you will use a liquid eyeliner or pencil eyeliner, I suggest you to use liquid eyeliner, but if you're dying to use liquid eyeliner, then you can wear waterproof pencil eyeliner, using a waterproof pencil eyeliner then proceeds makeup you will last a long time , Here is the easiest way to create a cat eye makeup.

  1. The first step you should do is to use mascara on your eye.
  2. Pay attention and look first to determine the shape of your eye line of the rim, if the shape of your eyes down, then do not go overboard in making the sidelines.
  3.  Pull the skin of the upper eyelid, then draw a line near the eyelashes, draw a line from the eye to an eye, the line should look flush when the state of open eyes, then trim the lines that you have created.
  4. The last step is to create a line that would be the tail cat's eye makeup, the way is to make a line from the outside of the eye into the eye, after that you just clean the parts that are not important.


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