How to Get Rid of Lines on Forehead

get rid of Lines on Forehead

One problem that often arises in your face is, Lines on Forehead, although the line on forehead is a problem that will arise naturally as they get older, but it has a line on forehead at a young age is very disturbing. There are several causes of lines on forehead, among others, the use of cosmetics that do not fit with your skin or wear cosmetics that contain chemicals, lack of drinking mineral water, smoking habits, vitamin deficiency, stress and excessive sun exposure. There are some natural materials that you can use to get rid of lines on forehead, this method is more secure than using certain cosmetics. Here are some natural materials that can be used to get rid of lines on forehead.


pineapple to get rid of lines

You can use pineapple to get rid of lines on forehead, is easy enough, first, prepare pineapple peeled, then wash your face thoroughly, then wipe the pineapple fruit on your forehead, wait for 15 minutes, then rinse using warm water. Do it two times a week.

Olive oil

Olive oil to get rid of lines
Olive oil

Olive oil has many benefits, one of which is to get rid of lines on forehead, the thing you have to do is massage the forehead using olive oil before going to bed, wash your face in the morning, do this step 2 times a week.

Papaya mask

papaya to get rid of lines

The materials you should prepare to make a mask of papaya is, papaya, honey and oatmeal, the first step, peel papaya then wash with clean water, inputs pieces papaya and oatmeal into a blender, then input pure honey to taste, stirring until well blended, apply a papaya mask on your face, wait for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use papaya mask once a week.

The thing to remember is, do not use pineapple, olive oil and papaya simultaneously, choose one of these materials, select that matches your skin type so that you will get the maximum results.


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