Tips to Get Rid of Neck pimples

Get Rid of Neck pimples

Many people who have problems with acne, the most common problem is acne on the face, in addition on the face, acne can appear in various parts of the body, such as the neck, chest, back and thighs. Although not so visible, but acne on the neck causing discomfort, usually acne on the neck, appeared with acne on the face. In this article I will discuss the causes of the appearance of acne on the neck, such as:


Sweat can cause acne on the neck, this happens if after doing sports you do not clean the sweat properly, so that dirt is left behind can trigger the appearance of acne on the neck, on the other hand, if you wear a shirt with a collar that is too tight, it can cause acne, because dirt and sweat that is attached to the shirt collar will be attached to the neck skin and cause acne.


Stress is one cause of acne, not simply acne on the face, acne on the neck can occur because of stress, on the other hand imbalance hormone can also cause acne.


You must be careful when using a razor, as if razor injure your skin, the wound can cause acne.
Tips to Get Rid of Neck pimples


There are some tips you can try to avoid acne on the neck that is, you should diligently wash neck, when you wash your face, you should wash your neck to keep it clean. If the acne appears due to a hormonal imbalance, then you have to change your lifestyle, for example, by sleeping for 8 hours a day, multiply the consumption of fruits, vegetables and multiply drinking mineral water. Use a natural face mask to the neck, so that you avoid the acne on the neck. 


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